Sue’s garden designs are influenced by her education and work experience in the environmental field. When creating a landscape, she chooses plants that are naturally compatible with the surrounding flora and fauna and uses techniques, such as companion planting, watering with rainwater runoff, and natural pesticides, to minimize the environmental impact of the design.
Sue received her BS in Environmental Science from The University of Vermont. She spent 8 years as an environmental scientist in the Boston area, testing air, water and soils for hazardous waste at former superfund sites and assisted in preparing the reintroduction plans for new flora at these sites. She has studied in the areas of native and invasive species, creating natural mosquito and tick shields for residential gardens, organic plant care, deer proofing, water gardens, rock building, lighting and composting. She has taught classes to children and adults, including organic vegetable gardening, choosing native plant species for a healthier garden, and creative garden planters.
Sue is a member and volunteers at the Massachusetts Horticultural Society, Massachusetts Audubon Society, SuAsCo Watershed Community Council and Sudbury Valley Trustees, Project Bread, the Fields of Green Project and The Slow Foods Project. Sue is an active member of The Linden Tree Farm, a cooperative organic farm.